Lab Members
DR. Konstantinos Papadopoulos (Lab Director)
Professor of "Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Visual Impairments" in the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia
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DR. Anastasia Psalti
Professor of "School & Counseling Psychology" in the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia
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Dr. Eleni Koustriava
Associate Professor of "Education of Individuals with Disabilities with the Use of Assistive Technology" in the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia
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Dr. Doxa Papakonstantinou
Associate Professor of "Labor Relations and Support for Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace" in the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia
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Dr. Isavella Kotini
Member of Laboratory Teaching Staff in the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia
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Marialena Barouti
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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Konstantinos Charitakis
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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Evangelia Georgoula
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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Lisander Isaraj
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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Niki Markou
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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Katerina Gkatzola
Phd Student, Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia
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