
Leader: University of Macedonia

Project Coordinator: Dr. Konstantinos Papadopoulos


AccessCoVE aims to structure excellence in Vocational Education and Training in the field of Accessibility. Twenty-two partners from four different countries (Greece, Sweden, Spain, and Italy) joined their forces to establish a European multi-level innovative and constantly growing Centre of Vocational Excellence – the AccessCoVE – in the field of accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Through the development of the most up-to-date, valid and worth trusting source for accessibility issues, AccessCoVE will constitute a key contributor to policy making regarding inclusion in society and accessible digitalisation.

In essence, accessibility will be approached holistically starting from researching the end- users’ requirements and continuing to the research of stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility issues. The data collected will form the VET programmes and curricula that will lead to the training frame and the certification of two new specialties – the Accessibility Certifier and the Accessibility Consultant. Additionally, AccessCoVE’s activities target the up- skilling and reskilling of specific groups, as well as of students in secondary and tertiary education.

AccessCoVE focus thoroughly on excellence which arises from a) innovative VET programmes with respective teaching and learning activities and tools, b) new specialties that will open new job opportunities while covering the needs that already put pressure on the business sector, c) constant horizontal and vertical cooperation between the VET providers, companies, chambers, federations, HEIs, and regional authorities form the very first moment of the project, d) radical dissemination activities that feed e) a robust sustainability multi-faceted system, which in combination with f) meticulously designed long-term governance and funding plans, will gradually transform AccessCoVE into a transnational platform of CoVE.